30 Days of Thankfulness: Dad

7 Nov

There’s this part in the Parent Trap (one of my favorite movies), where one of the twins played by the young and innocent Lindsey Lohan started rambling off different names for her Dad played by Dennis Quaid, as they are driving home from camp. Dennis Quaid stops her in the middle of these ramblings and says “Halie, you ok?” Her simple reply “it just feels good to say Dad.”

My Dad has a few special names for me “K.C.”, “Punky”, “KC Baby”, “Punk-a-nator,” praise the Lord my friends and teammates never caught onto the “Punky train.” One of my softball coaches tried calling me K.C. Baby after hearing my Dad call me using that nickname… that was just awkward. A Dad and daughter have a special connection that cannot be manipulated by another relationship.

Today I am thankful for my Dad. Today I am thankful for evening spent throwing the softball, the unsuccessful fishing trips, the mission trips serving alongside of one another, the few minutes spent learning how to drive a stick shift, and the insurmountable amount of love that he has always given me and my family. I am thankful that my Dad is a leader in his workplace, in our community and in our family. My Dad is a great leader because he is a great follower; he strives after Jesus and encourages us to strive after Jesus.  He demands excellence of himself and encourages his family to be our best in whatever we do, not for our glory but for the glory of God. He supports us though no matter what, even if he doesn’t know how . For example, my brother is an incredible drummer. It is entertaining to watch my dad watch my brother because he gets into it, drumming on the backs of chairs and in the air.

On every school break I look forward to many things but one in particular. 98% of my trips home it is my Dad who picks me up from the airport. I get antsy, I become a little impatient yip-yip puppy looking forward to their owner getting home, when the plane finally reaches the gate to the terminal my heart starts pumping a little faster, then of course testing my patience God makes me wait for all the tourist piling off the plane, yet when I finally reach the front of the plane I begin to run (yes I am that person who runs through the airport), I reach the outside doors of the airport, I walk through the doors and there in his jeep with my dog Bella is my Dad. He gets out of the car and the moment that I look forward to happens my Dad embraces me in a warm hug. No moment is sweeter than what is spent in my Dad’s arms.

Today I am thankful for the early Saturday morning 7/11 runs before softball tournaments, today I am thankful for Sunday morning worship services after my Dad’s night shift, today I am thankful for the hours of Christmas music played on mountain drives, today I am thankful for the “evil eye,” today I am thankful for airport hugs, today I am thankful for my Daddy. Image

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